Sep 2, 2021 | Ales for Trails News, Main Events
Billings TrailNet has been putting a charge in the Billings community for 20 years by raising money Ales for Trails and giving the proceeds to the City of Billings to develop multiuse trails for everyone to enjoy. Help us celebrate the event’s 20th birthday on...
Aug 2, 2021 | Ales for Trails News, Main Events
Maybe it was that particular night where all the stars aligned for the crowd at Yellowstone Cellars, but we went down to see Counting Coup play and it was just one of those unforgettable nights with great music we just couldn’t sit and listen to. We had to...
Aug 13, 2020 | Ales for Trails News, Main Events
In normal years, Ales for Trails would be right around the corner, and Billings TrailNet would be looking forward to hosting a big group at ZooMontana and raising more than $100,000 for trails. But as social distancing requirements curtail plans for the big event,...
Aug 7, 2020 | Ales for Trails News, Main Events, Trail News
August 7, 2020 we set up our table outside The Base Camp on Grand Avenue to sell Ales for Trails tickets! You may notice a special feel when you head into The Base Camp to shop or get expert advice on mountaineering, paddling or cross country skiing equipment. Owners...
Jul 10, 2020 | Ales for Trails News, Main Events
With the generous help of title sponsor, Vision Net and participating brewers, Spectrum Reach and many businesses, Ales for Trails in summer of 2020 will be a brewery tour of 23 different participating breweries for participants. With social distancing restrictions in...