The City has a project planned for FY 2026 to reconstruct Rimrock Road from 62nd Street West to 54th Street West that will include a separated multi-use path that would connect to the existing paths on 54th Street West and Rimrock Road. It will most likely be constructed in calendar year 2026.
There is a sidewalk planned for the subdivision located at the northwest corner of 62nd and Rimrock that would connect to the existing sidewalks and paths in Falcon Ridge, Reflections at Copper Ridge, and Copper Ridge Subdivisions. Completion is dependent on a number of factors including area development and construciton of that specific corner.
There is also a project on the horiszon to improve Grand Avenue out to 62nd Street West that would also include a multiuse path. However, 62nd Street is county-owned, so completion will be dependent on the county’s timeline and plans.