The Billings-Yellowstone County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is currently
updating the Billings Area Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan with an expected
completion date of Fall 2024.
This plan aims to create a well-connected network of bikeways and trails for people of
all ages and abilities. Recognizing that many people are uncomfortable riding bikes near
motor vehicle traffic, the plan focuses on building “high-comfort” facilities. These
facilities are designed to minimize the speed, frequency, or proximity of passing motor
vehicles. On quieter streets, this may involve measures to keep vehicle speeds and
volumes low. On busier streets, physical barriers may be used to ensure safety and

During the initial phase of public outreach, the project team identified needs and
opportunities for advancing safety and convenience for people walking, bicycling, and
rolling in the Billings area. The project team has analyzed current trends, engaged with
the public and stakeholders, taken an inventory of existing infrastructure and initiatives,
and has made preliminary recommendations for implementing projects over the next
few years. A proposed network has been developed and is ready for public feedback.
On July 10, 2024, between 4:30-7:30 pm in Veterans Park located at 2609 13th St.
W, the project team will host a pop-up protected bike lane demonstration. The public is
invited to experience what one type of high comfort bike facility feels like, learn about
the preliminary Master Plan report, and provide feedback on the proposed network. This
pop-up protected bike lane will be left out for approximately one week.
For those who are unable to attend the pop-up demonstration, public input can be
provided on the proposed network at between now and July
28, 2024. Billings-area residents are invited and encouraged to share their feedback
about the proposed walking, biking, and rolling network via the interactive webmap. The
interactive map allows participants to map potential connections and identify specific
areas of concern and opportunity. Participants can see comments that other community
members have noted.
This information was taken from the City of Billings press July 2, 2024 press release.