Yellowjacket Trail
Announcing Billings TrailNet’s next project:
The Yellowjacket Trail would provide much safer nonmotorized transportation along North 27th St from approximately the intersection of Rimrock Road up to the airport roundabout.
quick facts about the Yellowjacket Trail

Improve the Yellowjacket Trail that currently runs from Rimrock Road to Airport Road along North 27th Street. An enhanced multimodal path along North 27th Street will improve access and safety between the valley and the rims for the MSUB community, the Medical Corridor, and the entire downtown core. The Trail is currently in the Billings CIP, but there are no funds allocated to develop it.

Why is this trail needed?
The trail is frequented by lots of dog walkers, hikers, runners and mountain bikers, and even the occasional traveler heading to or from the Billings Airport.
With the completion of the Skyline Trail connecting Swords Park and Zimmermann Park, more and more cyclists are also using North 27th street to travel between the valley and the rims, even though there is currently no designated bike lane and no separation between vehicles and bicycles.

What is the significance of this trail?
For as long as anyone can remember, there has been a single track trail located adjacent to North 27th Street that connects the valley to the rims.
The trail begins just North of the Montana State University-Billings campus, and is located behind the protective guardrail along North 27th.
Because the trail is not recognized as an official part of the Billings trail system, it is unimproved and is not maintained.

Why do we call it the "Yellowjacket" Trail?
Because of it’s proximity to the MSUB campus, the trail is unofficially known as the Yellowjacket Trail.

What is needed in order to help this project become a reality?
A feasibility study is needed to determine the optimal trail configuration. One possible solution could be to retain and improve the current path for pedestrians, while adding protected bicycle lanes along the street. Another potential solution would be to create a protected shared use path with separation between pedestrians and cyclists.
2016: The City of Billings conducted the Rimrocks to Valley Bike-Ped Feasibility Study in order to identfiy the best routes to traverse the Billings rims from the valley below. Of the four routes identified, the Stagecoach Trail and a sidepath along 27th St. (aka “The Yellowjacket Trail”) ranked above the rest from public comment and feasibility.
2024: the Stagecoach Trail was voted for funding and should be built in 2027.
2024: Billings TrailNet announced it will pursue the development of the Yellowjacket Trail.